Read a Text file into a Spark DataFrame




Read a text file into a Spark DataFrame.


  name = NULL, 
  path = name, 
  repartition = 0, 
  memory = TRUE, 
  overwrite = TRUE, 
  options = list(), 
  whole = FALSE, 


Arguments Description
sc A spark_connection.
name The name to assign to the newly generated table.
path The path to the file. Needs to be accessible from the cluster. Supports the "hdfs://", "s3a://" and "file://" protocols.
repartition The number of partitions used to distribute the generated table. Use 0 (the default) to avoid partitioning.
memory Boolean; should the data be loaded eagerly into memory? (That is, should the table be cached?)
overwrite Boolean; overwrite the table with the given name if it already exists?
options A list of strings with additional options.
whole Read the entire text file as a single entry? Defaults to FALSE.
Optional arguments; currently unused.


You can read data from HDFS (hdfs://), S3 (s3a://), as well as the local file system (file://).

If you are reading from a secure S3 bucket be sure to set the following in your spark-defaults.conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key, spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key or any of the methods outlined in the aws-sdk documentation Working with AWS credentials

In order to work with the newer s3a:// protocol also set the values for spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl and spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint. In addition, to support v4 of the S3 api be sure to pass the driver options for the config key spark.driver.extraJavaOptions

For instructions on how to configure s3n:// check the hadoop documentation: s3n authentication properties

See Also

Other Spark serialization routines: collect_from_rds(), spark_insert_table(), spark_load_table(), spark_read_avro(), spark_read_binary(), spark_read_csv(), spark_read_delta(), spark_read_image(), spark_read_jdbc(), spark_read_json(), spark_read_libsvm(), spark_read_orc(), spark_read_parquet(), spark_read_source(), spark_read_table(), spark_read(), spark_save_table(), spark_write_avro(), spark_write_csv(), spark_write_delta(), spark_write_jdbc(), spark_write_json(), spark_write_orc(), spark_write_parquet(), spark_write_source(), spark_write_table(), spark_write_text()